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Summonses from 2000-
In preparation





From March 2020 with the rapid spread of the Covid 19 virus and government restrictions on meeting all lodge meetings in England were postponed by United Grand Lodge. Meetings only began again 18 month later in September 2021.
The Master, Bro Dr Graeme Massey and his officers continued in office until the installation in October 2021.



The meeting sometimes held in November was instead replaced by a visit to The Shakespeare Lodge No 1009 and the Christmas Party was replaced by a Christmas Lunch held at Hemsley House in Salford. The January meeting was the first opportunity for the Lodge to welcome WBro Paul O'Carroll PAGDC into his Lodge as Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the City East Area.

The September meeting was delayed to allow members to attend the wedding celebrations of Bro Alex Evans & Kasey Gorton on Friday 6th September

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