The Lodge of Friendship No 44 can trace its origins back to 1755 when it first met in Manchester. Today it still meets in Manchester on the first Friday at the newly refurbished Manchester Hall and is a busy and thriving lodge with young brethren and older experienced masons enjoying a lively and stimulating fellowship.
If you wish to enquire about Freemasonry or joining the Lodge of Friendship we will do our best to respond to your enquiry.
Please use our contact form.

The Lodge of Friendship No44 has grown very quickly to a current membership about 40 with a high proportion of younger members. In the last three years we have had a ceremony at most meetings and the younger brethren are encouraged to contribute at least part of the ritual. Members have joined the Manchester Level Club (an association of younger masons in Manchester) and contribute to the activities of Manchester Masons.
September 2021 The first meeting post-covid.
With a number of members still shielding the attendance was not high but the pleasure of meeting again is clearly obvious in these brethren at the end of the night.

1st October 2021 saw the Installation of Bro Georges Makosso as Master.

5th November saw us welcome three new members into the Lodge.

September 2022

The September 2022 meeting was a well attended and celebrated the masonic journey of the father of the Lodge WBro David Stevens from 1977. The APGM WBro Mark Davis made a personal visit and a number of guests shared a very enjoyable evening.

The October meeting is traditionally the Installation and also the time for the panic buying of new and larger trousers for the dinner suit. This year was a Proclamation as our Master undertook a second year.