In 1895 a Petition presented the Grand Lodge praying for a Centenary Warrant, such warrant to date from 1755, was not successful. A long controversy took place in the "Freemason" and the "Freemason's Chronicle". A further letter to the Grand Secretary on the subject, sent in 1903, met with no better success. The Centenary of the revived lodge fell in 1903 and though we have not found any details of it being celebrated this 1901 History was compiled by Nathan Heywood the Secretary of the Lodge

W Bro Nathan Heywood

No. 44.
Early History.
18TH JUNE, 1755 TO 23RD FEBRUARY, 1803
fraternity were called " The Ancients" or " Athol Masons." The original warrant was dated the 18th of June, 1755.
" On the 3rd of July, 1762, John Cartwright, Master of the Lodge, was granted liberty to admit Masons at discretion."
The Lodge appears to have removed to " The Blackamoor's Head," Old Church Yard, as a petition was presented from that house in 1775 for a renewal warrant, the original warrant of 1755 having got mislaid. Another warrant was shortly afterwards granted on payment of six shillings.

HIS Lodge was always located at Manchester, and was numbered or warranted No. 39, " St. Ann's Church and Mitre," under the roll of the Grand Lodge of which the
The Lodge forwarded its returns to the Athol Grand Lodge up to the 6th of December, 1786, and for reasons now unknown the Lodge ceased to make a report until 1803.
In the records of the Athol Grand Lodge the warrant is entered as cancelled on the 5th of June, 1793, and on the 4th of March, 1795, the warrant, No. 39, was revised and granted to Bro. Watson and others, late of No. 39, "Queen's Head," Old Church Yard, the old warrant to be transmitted previous to revival. The warrant given up was dated 25th March, 1775, and is now in possession of the Grand Lodge.
Some years afterwards an interesting feature presented itself by two other Lodges intervening between Lodge No. 39 (which was not paying any dues) and the Athol Grand Lodge—the Lodge of Fidelity, No. 275 (died out in 1832), and the Caledonian, No. 278. A petition was presented on the 8th of February, 1803, signed by seven " regular registered Master Masons " who were " desirous to revive the warrant No. 39," which was stated to be then in their possession. This warrant was that of the 4th of March, 1795. The petition was recommended by the Masters and Wardens of Lodges Nos. 201, 275, 278, 289, 296, and 297, all of Manchester, and was signed in Lodge No. 201 on the 8th of February, 1803. The prayer of the petition was granted, the same bearing these endorsements: " No. 39, Renewal, 23rd February, 1803, first Monday, Horse Shoes,' Old
Shambles, Manchester, entd G. fo. 7 and 10," and "Petition for the Revival of No. 39, 2 Gs. recd 23rd Feb., 1803." The Act of 1799, which was in force, would have made the granting of a new warrant a matter of some difficulty.
The Lodge was thus restored to its former privileges, and retained its original number on the Roll of Lodges; William McCormick was W.M., John McAllister, S.W., and William Barnard, J.W. On the 24th of June, 1803, Richard Bamber was installed W.M. for six months.
The petition for the warrant of the Jerusalem Encampment, Manchester, on the 11th of June, 1786, was signed by Brothers John Watson, John Hopall, Joseph Carter, and others, of Lodge No. 39.
The minute book of Lodge No. 39 was in possession of the Encampment in 1871 (when Bro. John Yarker, Jr., P.M., wrote a history of that Preceptory, which gained a centenary warrant on the 27th of December, 1888), and the bye-laws bear the signature of Lawrence Dermott about 1757, so that the Lodge was constituted by the seceding or Antient Grand Lodge of England, as before mentioned. This body first made its appearance as protesting against the continued innovations of the London Grand Lodge of 1717, and their authority was recognized by the Grand Lodge of All England, at York, as the representatives of what was
termed "Ancient Masonry" in the South. A few years later Baron Hunde, in 1754, established Templar Encampments in Germany, claiming to have originated with the Scottish Templars, who, he asserted, under the Bruce, had connected themselves with the Freemasons' Lodges in 1314. The centenary warrant of the Jerusalem Encampment recited that the earlier charter was supposed to have been destroyed, with certain old books and papers of the Encampment, in a fire at the Masonic Hall, Manchester.
New Era.
ROM the bye-laws of 1816, which are curious and interesting, it would appear the Lodge partook of the nature of a Sick and Burial Society, as evidenced by the provisions made for payments of sick and funeral allowances. The brethren removed to the " Bull's Head," Union Street, and were meeting there when the union of the two Grand Lodges took place on the 27th of December, 1813, and many subsequent years. After the union of the two Grand Lodges, termed "The Ancients" or "Athol Masons " (under the presidency of H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, but formerly under that of the third and fourth Dukes of Athol) and

"The Moderns" or "The Prince of Wales' Masons" (under the presidency of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales), into one United Grand Lodge (under the presidency of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex), the number of the Lodge became changed from 39 to 59.
Up to 1813 the working of the Lodge had been that of "The Ancients," but at the union the working of "The Moderns" was decided upon. The Lodge, however, continued the old form of working, which caused a friction with the other Lodges meeting in Manchester, and to smooth all questions for the future a Lodge of Reconciliation, was held at the " Talbot Inn," Market Street, on the 2nd of August, 1814, and an O.B. of Conciliation was given to the respective Masters of each Lodge represented, and repeated by the whole of the brethren, and accepted as an act of union according to the instructions from " The United Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of England."
Notwithstanding the change of working to that of the United Grand Lodge, this Lodge continued to hold its usual quarterly Royal Arch Chapter, Chapter of Excellent and Super-excellent Masons, and an Encampment of Sir Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights of the White Cross, the Mediterranean Pass, and the Priestly Order.
In 1817 an objection was taken to the working of the Royal Arch Chapter by the Past Grand Master of the Province, Bro. D. Lynch,
and an entry in the minutes records the Lodge's protest on the 3rd of March, 1817, against his interference regarding the Arch, and other matters. What Bro. Lynch's objection was or the other matters were is not recorded, but a charter to hold a Royal Arch Chapter was granted in the November following, and £2 was paid out of the Lodge funds for " registry money." The Chapter had previously met at " The White Hart Inn," Sugar Lane, but had then removed to "The Fox," Jackson's Row. There were at the date of the charter eighteen subscribing companions. Bro. John McClelland (whose name appears amongst the members of this Lodge in 1803) was appointed first principal under the charter. The original document and some Royal Arch furniture, purchased in February, 1833, are
preserved in the archives of the Lodge.
In May, 1833, negotiation: were in progress to join the Lodge to the Lodge of Unity, No. 334 but they fell through.
On the 2nd of September of the same year appears the following minute: - " In reply to a request as to the date of our warrant, a letter has been received from the Grand Lodge stating that it appears to have been granted 18th June, 1755."

The minutes record that in 1835 the original Lodge warrant had become almost illegible, and a petition was presented to H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, as Grand Master, for a new warrant in exchange for that of 1755. The prayer of the brethren was duly answered, and the number of the Lodge, which had been 39 and 59, became 52 until the re-numbering in 1863, when the Lodge received its present number. The following is a copy of the warrant :—
(Seal and Autograph of the G.M.)
" To all and every our Right Worshipful, Worshipful, and Loving Brethren.
" We, Prince Augustus Frederick of Brunswick Lunenburgh, Duke of Sussex, Earl of Inverness, Baron of Arklow, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, K.T., etc., etc., etc., Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England, send Greeting.
Whereas it appears by the records of the Grand Lodge, that a warrant, bearing date the 18th of June, 1755, was issued under the Seal of Masonry authorising certain Brethren therein named to open and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the town of Manchester, which Lodge was then No. 39. And whereas by the union of the two Fraternities on the 27th December, 1813, the said Lodge became No. 59, and by the alterations of the numbers in the year 1832 the said Lodge became and now is registered in the books of the United Grand Lodge No. 52, and is now held at the sign of the Bull's Head, Union Street, in the town of Manchester aforesaid, in
the Eastern Division of Lancaster, under the title or denomination of the Lodge of Friendship.
And whereas, the brethren comprising the said Lodge have by their memorial represented to us that the said warrant hath become defaced and illegible and have prayed to grant them a Warrant of Confirmation. Now know ye that we, being satisfied of the reasonableness of their said request, do hereby grant this our Warrant of Confirmation unto our right trusty and well-beloved brethren, John Hickman, Thomas Inglis, Samuel Hickman, Jabez Gadd, Thomas Tuke, Thomas Ashworth, William Stott, and the other brethren comprising the said Lodge, authorising and empowering them and their successors to assemble and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at Manchester aforesaid under the title or denomination of the Lodge of Friendship, at such times as the brethren may appear necessary, and there, when duly congregated, to make, pass, and raise Free Masons according to the antient custom of the Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world.
And further, at the petition of the said brethren, we do appoint the said John Hickman to be the said Master, Thomas Inglis to be the Senior Warden, and Samuel Hickman to be the Junior Warden, for continuing to hold the said Lodge until such time as another Master shall be regularly elected and enrolled strictly which may from time to time be made by our Grand Lodge, or transmitted by us or our successors, Grand Masters, or by our Deputy Grand Master for the time being.
And we do enjoin you to make such bye-laws for the government of your Lodge as shall to the majority of the members appear proper
and necessary, the same not being contrary to or inconsistent with the General Laws and Regulations of the Craft, and a copy whereof you are to transmit to us. And we do require you to cause all such bye-laws and regulations, and also an account of the proceedings in your Lodge to be entered in books to be kept for that purpose. And you are in nowise to omit to send to us or our successors, Grand Masters, or to the Right Honourable John George, Earl of Durham, our Deputy Grand Master for the time being, at least once in every year a list of the members of your Lodge and the name and description of all Masons initiated therein, and brethren who shall have joined the same, together with the fees and monies payable thereon, it being our will and intention that this our Warrant shall be in force so long only as you shall conform to the laws and regulations of our said Grand Lodge.
And you, the said John Hickman, are further required as soon as conveniently may be, charging that every member who shall be elected to preside over the said Lodge shall be installed in antient form and according to the laws of the Grand Lodge, that he may thereby be fully invested with the dignities and powers of his office. The said Lodge to be upon the general register of our Grand Lodge No. 52.
And we do require you, the said John Hick-man, and your successors, to take special care that all and every the said brethren are or have been regularly made Masons. And that you and they and all other the members of the said Lodge do observe, perform, and keep the said laws, rules, and orders contained in the Book of Constitutions, and all others, to send us an account in writing of what may be done by virtue of these presents.
Given under our hand and seal of the Grand Lodge at London, this 29th June, A.L. 5835, A.D. 1835.
By command of the M.W. Grand Master,
No. 52.
Neither the Grand Lodge returns nor the earliest minute book (1803) the Lodge possesses supplies a list of the Masters prior to 1803.
The St. John's Festival was not always held on the same day, and some of the Masters served less than twelve months, and others more. Since 1803 the Lodge has frequently changed its place of meeting as a perusal of the table shews :
1803 Horse Shoes, Old Shambles.
1812 White Hart, Sugar Lane.
1817 Fox, Jackson's Row.
1819 The King, Oldham Street.
1819 Admiral Duncan, Oldham Street.
1826 Sherwood Inn, Temple Street.
1827 Sawyer's Arms, High Street.
1830 Bull's Head Inn, Union Street.
1837 Pack Horse, Bridge Street.
1845 Freemason's Rooms, Cross Street.
1847 Spread Eagle, Church Street.
1850 Freemason's Tavern, Bridge St.
1851 Mosley Hotel, Piccadilly.
1853 Masonic Rooms, Quay Street.
1854 Waterloo Hotel, Piccadilly.
1860 Masonic Rooms, Cross Street.
1865 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street.
1882 Albion Hotel, Piccadilly.
The following is a list of the Masters of the
Lodge from 1803 :
1803 William McCormick.
1803 Richard Bamber.
1804 Hugh Carrol.
1805 John Cropper.
1807 William Marshall.
1808 John Cropper.
1809 ’’
1810 Terence Brennan.
1811 William Parr.
1811 William Bernard.
1812 Robert Forsyth.
1813 John Cropper.
1814 John Martin.
1813 Joseph Givin.
1816 ’’
1817 Richard Read.
1818 Joseph Givin.
1819 Matthew Wharton.
1820 ’’
1821 James Surman.
1822 Samuel Lawson.
1823 Thomas Bowman.
1824 Robert Parkinson.
1825 Matthew Wharton.
1826 William Hobbs.
1827 Matthew Wharton.
1828 James Surman.
1829 Thomas Bowman.
1830 Matthew Wharton.
1831 John Shepherd.
1833 Jabez Gadd.
1834 Jabez Gadd.
1835 John Hickman.
1835 Thomas Inglis.
1836 ’’
1837 James Surman.
1838 Jabez Gadd.
1839 ’’
1841 John McClean.
1841 James Davies.
1842 Joseph Haley.
1843 ’’
1844 B. Colley.
1846 Arthur Boult.
1847 ’’
1847 J. King.
1848 ’’
1850 Joseph Haley.
1851 Frederick France.
1851 E. T. Bradshaw.
1852 Thomas Bake.
1853 S. R. Gault.
1854 Stephen Smith.
1855 Henry Carrigg.
1856 Augustus Schmersahl.
1857 George Le Boutellier Diamond.
1858 Henry Anthony Bennett.
1859 George Hartley Goldsmith.
1860 Prospero Delavante.
1861 John Sudlow.
1862 Frederick Charles Smethurst.
1863 Henry Thomas Warren.
1864 Robert Bridgford.
1865 John Bolderson.
1866 Robert McDowall Smith.
1867 Samuel H. Hodgson.
1868 Charles Dewick Ward.
1869 John Lawson.
1870 John Gibb Smith.
1871 Alfred B. Bennett.
1872 Thomas Lightbourne.
1873 Peter Royle.
1874 William Gibb.
1875 James William Woodall.
1876 Charles F. Woodall.
1877 Charles R. Goodman.
1878 Henry Cottam.
1879 Henry J. Cutter.
1880 William F. Parkinson.
1881 Samuel Barrett.
1882 James R. Beard.
1883 John MacMahon.
1884 Henry Pool.
1885 John Chadwick.
1886 John Smith
1887 William J. Wilkinson.
1888 Charles B. Clewley.
1889 John W. G. Coombs.
1890 Charles Hobbins.
1891 F. W. Wollaston.
1892 Frederick G. Berry.
1893 Nathan Heywood.
1894 Robert Thomson.
1895 William Wilkinson.
1896 William Humphreys.
1897 Matthew Naylor.
1898 R. Walter Marsden.
1899 Fred Scott.
1900 George W. Pilkington.
1. The Lodge shall hold its meetings at the Albion Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester, on the first Friday in the months of February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December, at 6-45 o'clock, or at such other hour as the W.M. may from time to time appoint.
2. Every member shall be amenable to the laws and regulations of the Craft, agreeably to the constitution and the bye-laws of the Lodge.
3. The Master, Treasurer, and Tyler shall be annually balloted for at the meeting in September; and the installation of the Master shall take place at the next regular meeting in October, when he shall appoint and invest his officers.
4. An inventory of the Furniture, Jewels, and other property of the Lodge shall annually be taken and presented to the W. Master on the day of his installation.
5. The Treasurer's cash account shall be audited every year, in September, by a committee of two or more members appointed by the Lodge, and a report of the same delivered to the W. Master on his installation, and read in open Lodge, and printed and sent to each member before the October meeting.
6. The Treasurer shall receive all fees and subscriptions, and shall pay all bills and other charges when duly vouched and sanctioned by the W. Master. Motions for grants of money shall be proposed at one meeting, notice thereof given to each member, and determined at the next meeting.
7. No more than five shillings for each brother present shall be allowed out of the Lodge fund for refreshments on each regular night of meeting. Any extra cost to be paid by the members of the Lodge then present. The tickets for the annual banquet to be ten shillings and sixpence per member present, or visitor introduced by a member; any extra expenses to be borne by the W. Master and Wardens.
8. Whenever it is necessary for the W. Master to call a Lodge of Emergency, the expenses of such meeting shall be paid out of the Lodge funds; but if it is called at the request of, or for the convenience of, any brother, he shall pay three guineas towards the expenses thereof, unless it may be determined otherwise by a majority of the members at the following meeting.
9. The fee for initiation shall be seven guineas, including registry and certificate, which, must be paid previous to admission.
10. The rejoining fee of any brother initiated in this Lodge shall be two guineas. The joining fee for any brother initiated in any other
Lodge shall be three guineas, including the registration; but if the brother shall have been initiated in any Lodge not under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England, he shall pay in addition to the joining fee the charges for registration and certificate.
11. Brethren of eminence and ability who have rendered service to the Craft, may, on being proposed and elected, become honorary members of the Lodge, but shall not have any claim or interest in the furniture, funds, or property of the Lodge, nor shall they be permitted to visit the Lodge more than once unless subscribing members of other Lodges.
12. If, upon ballot, more than one black ball appear against the admission of a candidate or joining member, he shall not be admitted, but the W. Master may order another ballot.
13. The subscription to be two guineas per annum, payable half-yearly in advance, in April and October.
14. No member shall be entitled to vote at the election of the W. Master if his subscription be in arrear ; and any member who is in arrear for six months shall be written to by the Secretary, and if no satisfactory reply be received within six months from the date of such notice, he may be excluded from the Lodge after due notice, under Art. 210, Book of Constitutions.
15.Any member who wishes to resign must state his intention in open Lodge, or by a
written notice addressed to the W. Master or Secretary, when his resignation shall be recorded, but such resignation shall not exonerate him from the payment of all dues up to the date of his resignation.
16. A copy of these bye-laws shall be presented to every member, and be transcribed in a book, and signed by every present and future member of the Lodge on his admission, as a pledge of his conformity and submission to the same.
17. A list showing the name, address, and Masonic standing of all the members of the Lodge shall be printed and sent with the accounts of each year to the members.
18. Cases not provided for by these bye-laws shall be decided by a majority of the members present, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Craft.
J. H. P. DEAN, J.W.
I hereby approve of the foregoing Bye-laws.
W. Dep. Prov. G. Master,
East Lancs.
20th Feb., 1901
1. There shall be a Charity Fund attached to this Lodge, to be called " The Charity Fund of the Lodge of Friendship."
2. Each member, on his initiation or joining, shall pay in addition to the fee, the sum of two shillings and sixpence to the said fund.
3. Each member shall contribute annually the sum of five shillings, payable half-yearly in advance, the amount so contributed to be placed in the Treasurer's hands to the credit of the said Charity Fund.
4. No money shall be expended out of this fund for any purpose but charity.
J. H. P. DEAN, J.W.
I hereby approve of the foregoing Bye-laws.
W. Dep. Prov. G. Master,
East Lancs.
20th Feb., 1901.
Confirmed by the M. W. Pro. Grand Master.
1st March, 1901.
LATHOM - Grand Prior.
The United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple, and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta, in England and Wales, and the Dependencies thereof.
PATRON: Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. GRAND MASTER: H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., K.T., G.C.T., etc., etc., etc.
" To all and every the Eminent Preceptors and other eminent Knights and Companions of the Jerusalem Preceptory, holden at Manchester, in the Province of Lancashire, and all other members of the said United Orders whom it may concern, Health, Peace, and Goodwill.
"Whereas, it appears from a petition recently presented to us by the Jerusalem Preceptory, and the evidence accompanying such petition, that the Jerusalem Preceptory was chartered by the Grand Lodge of All England at York on the 10th of October, 1786, that it was constituted in a Grand and Royal Encampment on the 17th of October, 1786, as the first and premier encampment in all Lancashire, and that it was confirmed by the Grand Master Thomas Dunckerley, by warrant, dated the 20th of May, 1795, and that the Charter dated the 10th of October, 1786, is lost, and is supposed to have been destroyed with certain old books and papers of the Encampment in a fire at the Masonic Hall, Manchester, which occurred some few years ago. And whereas the Petitioners prayed that the Preceptory, having completed the Centenary of its existence on the 10th of October, 1886, a warrant might be issued to it granting permission to the members thereof to wear a Centenary Jewel commemorative of such event.
And whereas the said Jerusalem Preceptory has established to the satisfaction of our Council that it has had a continued existence for at least one hundred years.
Now know ye that we, having taken the said petition into our consideration, have acceded to such request, and in virtue of the power and authority vested in us do hereby give and grant to all and each of the actual subscribing members of the Jerusalem Preceptory permission to wear in all Knights Templar Meetings suspended from the left breast, a jewel of the pattern or device that we have already approved of as a Centenary Jewel, but such jewel is to be worn only by those Knights who are bona-fide subscribing members of the said Preceptory, and for so long only as each shall pay his regular stipulated subscription to the funds thereof and be duly entered as such in the annual returns sent to the Chancery of our great Priory.
Done in London under our hand and the seal of the said United Orders, this 27th day of December, A.L. 5892, A.D. 1888, A.O. 770.
FRED. A. PHILBRICK, Chancellor.