A History of the Lodge compiled by Paul Ridgway in 1953

The January 7th 1755, edition of the Leeds Intelligencer furnishes an account of a Public Procession of Free and Accepted Masons in Manchester on St. John's Day to the house of Henry Wallworth, viz.. "The New Church and Mitre" in Fennel Street. In a town which then numbered about 20,000, it would appear to have been quite an event.
The full account reads:-
"Manchester—December 31st. On Friday last, being SL John's Day, the Society of Free and Accepted Masons walked in Public Procession from the House of Michael Whitlock, the Deansgate Coffee-House, to the House of Henry Walworth, the sign of the New Church and Mitre, in Fennel Street. The Order of the Procession was in the following manner, viz.—First. the Tyler of the Lodge with a Sword sheath'd, 2d. the Master, 3d. two Brethren of the Society, 4th, the Town Music, 5th the former Master and Secretary. Then followed the remaining Brethren of the Lodge, two and two, and the Procession was closed with the senior and junior Deacons. An elegant Dinner was provided at the last mentioned place, and several Public Toasts were drank, particularly the Grand Master, the Officers of the Grand Lodge, and the whole incorporated Society of Free and Accepted Masons over the whole Earth.
Prosperity to the Town of Manchester was also drank, and expressions of Esteem for the Respect shown upon this occasion."
This evidently refers to Lodge No 39 (the first founded in Manchester by the “Antient” Grand Lodge and the forerunner of the Lodge of Friendship No.44) which was:-
"Begun June 24th, 1754.
Received the Warrant and Constituted June 18th, 1755,"
and met at Bro. Wallworth's house, "St. Ann's Church and Mitre."
The "Antient" Grand Lodge was founded in 1752 by secessionists from the original Grand Lodge of 1717, which, they confidently asserted, had introduced modernism into the ceremonies. Ably led by Laurence Dermott, an Irishman whose intellect and administrative ability were invaluable assets, the new Grand Lodge became a very powerful rival body. It ran for sixty years and was able to impose conditions when the two Grand Lodges became the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813.
Lodge 39 had its ups and downs, but had the honour in June, 1786, under authority from London, of acting as a Grand Lodge and constituting at Wigan, Lodge 235. now known as the Lodge of Antiquity, No. 178.
In 1788 a Grand Military Procession to St. John's Church was to take place in Manchester, and the Modern Lodges, dressed in full regalia, were invited to take part. The Lodges under the two authorities were not allowed to fraternise as indicated by a resolution passed at an extraordinary meeting of the Modern Grand Lodge on April 7th, 1777, to the effect that "Neither shall any Person initiated at these irregular Meetings be admitted into any Lodge without being remade and paying the usual 'Making' fees."
However, the urge to take part in a procession once more was so great that our brethren sold their birthright and some of the members were made “Modern” masons in St John’s Lodge on September 28th. On the same day the Lodge met at 5 o'clock, and at 6 o'clock opened in the "Modem- form by virtue of a dispensation. The following day the Lodge met at 8 o'clock and later joined in the procession to St John's Church.
The "Antient" Lodge then faded out and in 1793 the warrant was cancelled. It was again renewed on March 4th, 1795, to Bro. Watson and others at the Queen's Head Hotel. Old Churchyard. on the recommendation of Lodges 275 (Fidelity) and 278 (Unity) but again lapsed through non-payment of dues. Bro. Watson. who was acting Grand Master at Wigan in June 1786 was one of those members who were made "Modern" masons in 1788.
The Lodge was again revived in 1803 on the petition of seven regular registered Master Masons who had obtained the Warrant issued in 1795. The petition was granted, but a new Warrant was not issued as the Act of 1799 would have made this a matter of some difficulty.
The Act of 1799 was passed to facilitate the suppression of Seditious Societies; by it, all societies whose members were required to take any oath not authorized by law, should be deemed unlawful combinations, and their members liable to penalties.
It is at this point that the present Lodge really begins to function, and it is hardly correct to connect it with its predecessor.
The entry in the minute book reads :—
Worshipful Lodge No. 39, Antient.
Revived and Installed, March 16th, 1803. And of Masonry 5803.
The Worshipful William McCormick Master
John McAllister Senr Warden
Hugh Carol Senr Deacon
James Wood Junr. Deacon
Hugh Craven Treasurer
Nathan Burton Secretary
James Riddle Tyler
Manchester was now considerably changed, and had grown into a town of approximately 70,000 people. We are told in Scholes' Directory that "the population may be calculated from the great number of cotton factories, wherein it is thought some 20,000 men, women and children are employed in the mere branches of preparing warp and weft. Add to these the many hands employed in weaving, etc, etc., as well as the general mechanics, householders, domestic servants, etc.. etc„ and Manchester may well be ranked as the most populous market town in Great Britain."
The number of Irish names amongst the members of the Lodge, many of them hand-loom weavers, suggests that these men emigrated to what seemed an Eldorado, and carried on their craft here, alas, so soon to be ousted by the power loom.
A "return" to Grand Lodge in 1804, which is in our possession, shows that out of 14 members 12 were manufacturers or weavers.
Some idea of the value of money in those days is afforded by the cost of the Installation dinner on December 27th, 1803:-
Dinner for 16 members . £1 12s. 0d.
Drink £1 2s. 11d.
Servant 5s Od.
Tyler (March 16th-December 27th) 9s. Od.
The Lodge worked the Royal Arch, Excellent and Super-Excellent Masons, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights of the White Cross, the Mediterranean Pass and the Priestly Order, and continued to do so after the Union of the two Grand Lodges, incurring thereby the displeasure of Provincial Grand Lodge.
Bro. Wm. McCormick, the first W.M., soon found himself at variance with the Lodge, for on July 4th, 1803, on being admonished for being intoxicated, he left in high dudgeon, saying he would not be reproved by a parcel of schoolboys, and swore he would be damned in open Lodge if he did not have his money. Evidently he soon saw his error, made repeated efforts to rejoin, but was not admitted until April 6th, 1812.
Incidentally, at the Union of the two Grand Lodges on December 27th, 1813, the number was changed to 59, and the name "Lodge of Friendship" was adopted.
After the Union, the "Antients" and "Moderns" seem to have continued to use the old rituals, and to bring them both into line a Lodge of Reconciliation was held on August 2nd, 1814, in the Lodge room of the Lodge of Integrity 267/272 at the Talbot Inn. Bros. John McClelland 59/39 and John Bent 599/580 were W.M.'s on behalf of the old and new systems respectively. After preliminary discussions "An O.B. of Reconciliation was given by the two W.M.'s, repeated by the whole of the Brethren and accepted as an Act of Union according to the Instructions from the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of England."
This 0.B was administered to the members of the Lodge of Friendship at the next Lodge night on August 7th.
Initiates and joining members deposited their Certificates with the Lodge and in cases of resignation these were
not released until all arrears had been paid. In the event of extreme misdemeanor more drastic action was taken as is evinced by the fact that at the meeting on January 2nd, 1815, the conduct of Wm. Rawson and Josh. Kirkman was again considered, they having been charged the previous June "with violating the Laws of Masonry and their Country." It was decided by unanimous consent that their Certificates be "committed to the flames."
It would appear that in those early days the Lodge was in reality a Sick and Burial Society, the Manchester Lodges joining together to defray the funeral expenses of a brother. This arrangement was, however, annulled in November, 1814 The Lodge therefore unanimously agreed that it would in future inter its own deceased Brethren. An entry dated May 27th, 1816, refers to the burial of Brother Francis Moreton in the Lodge's grave at Cheetham Hill.
St. Mark's Church was the only one situated there at that time, and the Rector, while verifying the particulars, states that the position cannot be located.
In 1816, a new set of "Bye-Laws and Benefit Articles" was prepared and adopted. In addition to regulating Masonic procedure, provisions were made for payment of sick and funeral allowances. As they are of more than passing interest they are given in full. It is a great pity they did not prove actuarially sound.
1. That the Books of Constitutions and Laws of the Grand Lodge shall be strenuously and punctually obeyed.
2. For every Offence committed against the same, and the fines or punishments enjoined thereto, not being duly enforced, the W.M. shall be deemed culpable of Negligence, and for every such Offence fined 1/-.
3. That from and after the Date hereof, the terms of Initiation into the Three Degrees of Masonry shall be 3. 3. 0 and 10/6 extra. for Registry upon the Books of the Grand Lodge, to be paid prior to their receiving the third Step, or, a satisfactory Guarantee given, 1. 1. 0. of which shall be solely dedicated to the Use of the Benefit Fund.
4. Every Brother receiving the Holy Royal Arch in this Lodge shall pay the sum of 1. 1. 0, 10/6 of which shall be put apart for the same Fund, every Brother attending the Chapter (he not being a Candidate) shall pay 6d. towards defraying the Expenses incurred during the Meeting.
5. Any Brother desiring to deposit his Certificate, and become a Member of this Lodge, shall pay the sum of 1. 1. 0 (10/6 of which shall be given to the benefit fund) besides the Costs of his Transfer on the Books of the Grand Lodge & 1/6 monthly for dues and 12 months after such Deposit become a free Member and eligible to all Benefits.
6. A separate and distinct Book and Box independent of those of the Lodge, shall be appropriated for the sole Use of the Benefit or sick fund.
7. That a Secretary be appointed for the Department of the Sick Establishment (who shall be that of the Lodge) to write Summons to the Officers who visit the Sick, and sign all Orders upon the Treasurer (who shall be of the Lodge also) for payment, to whom also all Notices from Brothers when Sick shall be addressed, and Information sent him at the time of their Recovery.
8. Two Stewards shall every three Months be appointed by the W.M. in Rotation as they stand on the Lodge Book (they not being already Officers of the Lodge) to visit, and pay, during that term such as are sick.
9. That every Brother, declining to fulfill the Office of Steward when appointed by the W.M. shall forfeit the Sum of 2/6 and another nominated who will fill that Situation in his Stead.
10. That the Limits of the Stewards Visitation extend to the undermentioned places and proportionately distant. Viz Cheetham Hill to the first Toll Bar: Oldham Road to the White Hart: Ardwick, to the Shakspear: Deansgate, Barracks: Salford, Windsor Bridge.
I1. The Stewards shall visit weekly, the sick Brs. within the Limits before specified, or, on Neglect thereof finable 2/6 unless sick or any other reasonable cause, in which Case he shall give written Notice thereof to the Secy. and then his Br. Steward shall officiate for him till the Cause of Obstruction of his duty be removed.
12. The visiting Stewards are not bound to attend any diseased Br. residing out of the Limits before mentioned but from such as do, a Certificate will be required monthly from his Physician, Surgeon or Minister of the parish or Township wherein he dwells, specifying the Nature of his Indisposition, with his Improvement or Non-Improvement of Health (post paid) taking Care always that directions be inserted therein, where the person or persons reside who sign the same, addressing such Certificate to the Secretary. After acting as prescribed by this Article, he shall be entitled to the Benefits of the fund but not otherwise. And all expenses insured by the sending or remitting of his money shall be defrayed by himself.
13. The visiting Stewards shall fetch and receive a weekly account from the Secy. of the number of Sick, with their Residences together with an Order for the Sum or Sums of money requisite each week for the payment of such upon the Landlord of the house where the Lodge may sit, who shall be reimbursed by the Treasurer each monthly Night on the production & presentation of such Secretary's
Orders- for these and other Services the Secy shall annually receive the Sum of 1. 1. 0 in Addition to the 2.2.0 formerly received.
14. Every free Br. through Affliction of Body being incapable to follow his Employ shall receive 5/- weekly, providing the fund amounts to 30£ and for every 10£ Augmentation above the aforesaid thirty pounds an increase of 1/- per week shall be allowed. In Case of death, though the fund should not amount to the sum before mentioned 6-6-0 shall invariably be given for the interment of a Br. or his wife deducting therefrom his arrears (if any).
15. Any Br. joining this Lodge having any Infirmity of Body which may render him unable to follow his daily Occupation or above the age of 45 cannot be admitted as eligible to the Benefits of the Sick fund.
16. Though we ought invariably to build on the faith of a Mason, yet it is much to be regretted that Instances have occasionally happened when professors thereof have thrown a Blemish thereon by acting contrary to its dictates and the Rules of Morality - having this in View, it is agreed that the Lodge shall annually pay a Subscription of £2-2-0 to the Infirmary of this Town, this Subscription to such a laudable Institution is not only a fulfillment of Masonic duty, but also Advantages will accrue therefrom, Viz. It will have the Command of a certain Number of Recommends, which the W.M. may give to such Br. or Brs. Labouring under Affliction and thereby gain him or they medical Aid - And again in Cases where Suspicion may arise the W.M. may chuse his own attending physician belonging to the above Institution, for the purpose of investigating into the Reality or Sincerity of such Affliction.
17. Any Br. or Member changing his place of Residence he shall inform the Secretary thereof, on, or before the monthly Night following in writing or he fined 6d. for each Neglect.
18. That the W.M., S.W., and J.W., shall be at the Lodge exactly at the time appointed from the Chair the Lodge Night preceding, or their Key or Keys be sent and produced by a trusty Brother of the Lodge by such time, or forfeit as follows, the W.M. 1/- the other officers 6d. each and further, they shall open the Lodge by ½ past 7 at farthest. In Case of the Absence of the WM. the past Master shall officiate for him. if both absent the S.W. and so on. And every member coming to the Lodge after the same is opened to be fined 2d.
19 That on every St. John's day the Secretary shall read up the Monies received and paid during the last 6 months together with the Names of such Brethren who are. and have been, during such time upon the Sick List after which if it appears that any money can with propriety be spared, after reserving the necessary Sums payable to the Grand &c. the WM. shall be empowered to make a Transfer of all or part thereof (as he may think fit) to the Augmentation of the Benefit fund.
20. Any Br. not being entitled to the privileges of the benefit fund to pay only I/- monthly for dues.
21. Any Br. recommending a person, who may through
such recommendation be initiated into, or join this Lodge,
and afterwards prove to be unsound and infirm in body, such Br. or Brs. knowing the same at the time of their recommending him, shall be deprived of all and every Benefit arising from the sick fund.
The Committee having prepared the foregoing Bye-Laws and Benefit Articles, the same were read up by the Secy. in open Lodge on Monday. April 1st, 1816 when the W.M., Officers, and Members present were pleased to approve, ratify and confirm the same.
G. S. Bancroft, Secy. Joseph Givins, W.M.
Items in the Minutes such as "Two Transparency Frames," "To making 3 Crowns," "Dove of Peace," "Pistol and Powder," "A Set of Candlesticks," and the appointment of a member to assist in the bearing of the Eagle, Cushion, etc., at a Provincial Procession, make interesting reading today.
At a special meeting on May 30th, 1833, it was agreed by representatives of both Lodges that "the Lodge of Unity, No. 334, do join the Lodge of Friendship, No. 52; the property of '334' to be handed to '52' and considered as the joint stock of the whole, '52' engaging to meet and liquidate all debts." In July a move was made to sell the furniture of "334"; in April, 1834, the books were produced, and in November, 1834, contributions to the Fund of Benevolence were sent to Grand Lodge for the Lodge of Unity No. 334. On July 6th, 1835, Bro. Wharton reported that he had recommended that the furniture of Lodge No. 334 be sold to the Rev. Jno. Milner, of Whalley, for £25. Objections then arose and on December 7th, Dpty. Prov. G. Master Thomas Preston presided at a special meeting when it was decided that as no Dispensation had been applied for to remove Lodge No. 334, late 506, and as the members of Lodge No. 52 were willing that "334" should revert to its former status, it was agreed that Lodge No. 334 be entirely released and be removed on payment of £16 0s. 0d. This appeared to give satisfaction to both Lodges. The Lodge of Unity now meets at Macclesfield under No. 267.
On March 8th, 1834, a Dispensation was received from Grand Lodge sanctioning a procession in full regalia and jewels at the funeral of Bro. Thos. Bowman. This Dispensation had been delayed owing to the indisposition of the Grand Master, and as brethren who so desired it were buried with Masonic Honours. a Dispensation had first to be obtained. In 1834, however, Prov. Grand Lodge did not
appear to be functioning and in order to eliminate a recurrence of such delay the Manchester Lodges, under the aegis of the Lodge of Friendship, petitioned Grand Lodge to appoint a Deputy. A year later, on September 23rd, 1835, word was received from Grand Lodge that W. Bro. Meyrick, Grand Registrar, had been appointed Prov. Grand Master for the Eastern Division of the County of Lancaster, with W. Bro. Thos. Preston, P.M. of the Lodge of Integrity No. 189, as his Deputy, to whom all communications were to be addressed.
A unique Charity Box was presented to the Lodge in April, 1834, by Bro. John Hickman. It is on wheels and presumably was "run" round the table. Repaired in April, 1934, it now graces the Lodge floor at each meeting.
In 1835 a petition for a new Warrant to replace that of 1795, which had become almost illegible, was sent to Grand Lodge. A new one was received, which we still possess, dated June 29th, 1835, with the Lodge number changed to 52.
The Lodge on May 2nd, 1836, was held at the Bull's Head Inn. After opening in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees, it was announced that the Deputy Prov. G. Master was in attendance with his Officers. On being admitted he declared it a Prov. G. Lodge. The Warrant, books and accounts were examined. The minutes were signed by himself and the Prov. G. Secty, J. L Threlfall, and the Seal affixed. Prov. G. Lodge was then closed. The W.M. afterwards closed the Craft Lodge in Harmony. Another visit was made in April, 1838.
A communication from London respecting "an Asylum
for aged and decayed Freemasons," received June 4th, 1838, was deferred for a short time, but new collars for the Officers of the Lodge were to be provided in anticipation of the Coronation of Queen Victoria. This latter event
took place on June 28th, but there being no procession, the Lodge opened at 5 o'clock, and was afterwards called to refreshment.
In April, 1839, a deputation from the Lodge of Affability "introduced the subject of opening a Mark Lodge in Manchester," but no further details can be traced until April 5th, 1852, when the Lodge of Affability intimated that a Mark Masons' Lodge Meeting would be held in their Lodge Room on April 18th at 2 o'clock. (Under the entry is written "Visit").
The Installation on January 5th, 1841, was conducted "according to the method approved and directed by the Grand Lodge." At the same meeting the retiring W.M., Bro. Jabez Gadd, presented "very superb certificates printed in Gold" to seven honorary members.
About this period the Lodge was in a state of transition and was gradually resolving itself into its present-day form.
On April 5th, 1841, a Grand Lodge communication was read concerning the secrecy of proceedings, and discussion of the same in any such Publication as the late Freemasons' Owner!), Review.
A deputation from the Lodge of Virtue attended on December 6th, 1842, to consult as to the observance of St. John's Day. A return deputation was appointed to arrange that they officiate as Stewards. and the ceremony be held on December 28th, this to replace the January meeting. The Installation was duly held and both Lodges attended, a practice which was continued for some years. Whilst there is no mention of amalgamation, the Lodges were very friendly, and it would appear that the Flag "Friendship and Virtue" was made to grace these occasions.
A notice received on June 4th. 1844, from the Lodge of Integrity, Bush Inn, stated that Bros. Thos. Preston and
John Henry Wilson were suspended for non-payment of arrears, and although Bro. Preston liquidated his liabilities on July 21st, the stigma remained and his position as Deputy Prov. G. Master terminated.
At the same meeting a petition was sent to Grand Lodge praying them to appoint Bro. Walker, M.P. for Bury, as Prov. G. Master, but on July 2nd, notice was received stating that the Province had been placed under the superintendence of V. W. Bro. the Grand Registrar, Thos. Henry Hall, of No. 19, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, to whom all communications should be addressed.
February, 1845, saw a deputation appointed to wait on the Lodges of Virtue and Fortitude, along with other Manchester Lodges, with a view to soliciting their cooperation in the hiring of private rooms in the Town Hall Buildings for Masonic purposes. In consequence our Lodge was able to hold its first meeting there on April 1st.
Two years later, on April 5th, 1847, the Lodge moved to the Spread Eagle Hotel, Hanging Ditch, but as this hotel was closed almost immediately for alterations, a further move on August 2nd, to the Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly, was necessary. The alterations mentioned being completed, the Lodge returned on December 20th, again moving in 1850 to the Freemasons' Tavern, Bridge Street, and still again one year later to the Mosley Arms Hotel, Piccadilly.
The "Charge" is first mentioned on May 10th, 1845, when Bro. John King returned to the Lodge and received a "Charge" on the excellencies of the Craft.
In 1847, Edward Akers, a medical student, being under the age of 21, was "Initiated" by "Dispensation," and on August 2nd of the same year a request was received from the Prov. G. Chaplain for a subscription towards a Masonic Tower, but there is no record as to what this was or of any response.
A proposal to move the Lodge to the Royal Hotel and to adopt the name Caledonian No 52 was made on October 17th, 1849 - a rather strange proposition since the Caledonian Lodge already met there - but as it was later decided to remove to the Freemasons' Tavern, Bridge Street, the proposition apparently did not carry.
Two brethren from "St. Johanni's Lodge," Sweden, visited the Lodge on June 2nd, 1851. At the same meeting it was resolved to recommend and support a petition to Grand Lodge beseeching a "Warrant" to constitute a new Lodge, the "Lodge of Benevolence."
The subscription was raised from four guineas to six in October, 1851.
In June, 1852, the Lodge was on the move again. On this occasion to Bro. James Pitt's Masonic Rooms, 11 Quay Street, "he to be paid £15 per annum for the use of the rooms," and at the first meeting held there on July 5th, new By-Laws were adopted.
Bro. Pitt was the Prov. G.D.C. and often officiated as W.M. and Installing W.M. in the Lodge.
That a "Charity Fund" should be founded was first mooted in a notice of motion on December 6th, 1852, and on January 3rd, 1853, it was unanimously resolved "that there be a 'Charity Fund' attached to the Lodge of Friendship to be governed by the following rules." which, unfortunately, are not stated.
In September, 1853, the furniture of the Lodge was insured at the Masonic Fire and Life Assurance Office.
Bro. Ferdinand Hahnel proved to be a very efficient Treasurer as is evinced by the vote of thanks tendered to him on February 3rd, 1854, for "placing the Lodge in an independent position, inasmuch as the Lodge was £88 in
debt at the commencement of his period of office, but is now not only free but has a balance in hand."
September, 1854, heralded yet another move, to the Waterloo Hotel, Piccadilly.
Geo. le Boutillier Diamond whose "presentation" Snuff Box (1856) is passed round at each meeting, and who also presented a "very handsome new 'Charity Box,' joined the Lodge, December 1st, 1854, from lodge No. 107, London. (This is now the Lodge of St. John, No. 90).
The Earl of Yarborough, Deputy Grand Master, visited the Lodge on February 1st, 1855, and amongst the numerous visitors was one from Canada and also one from Newfoundland. A memorial was read referring to the formation of a Lodge at Crumpsall. This was, however, not founded until later, and appeared as the Cheetham and Crumpsall Lodge No. 928, functioning now under the title "Humphrey Chetham Lodge, No. 645." Bro. Schmersahl was appointed foreign correspondent in response to a request from a newly joined brother, Slade Davies, who now resides in Paris. The Deputy G. Master requested the WM to propose him a member of the Lodge. The ballot, which took place on March 2nd, was unanimously in favour and a letter from the Earl of Yatbouough thanking the brethren for electing him an honorary member was received later.
New By-Laws were approved on March 30th, 1855, and 100 copies printed. These were distributed at the next meeting when the Tyler was authorised to collect arrears on a five per cent. coonnission basis
The late Treasurer, Bro. Hahnel was presented with a Testimonial and Gold Pencil-case on December 17th, 1855.
A memorial to the Earl of Zetland, Grand Master, praying him to appoint Bro. Stephen Blair to the Office of Prov.
G. Master, was submitted on March 18th, 1856, and a reply from the Grand Sec., stating that Bro. Blair had been appointed, received in July.
Bro. Hahnel wrote on November 17th, 1856, to the effect that he and others were desirous of forming a Lodge in Constantinople under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England.
Bro. Pitt, Prov. DC, on March 16th, 1857, remonstrated with the brethren for non-attendance, "they seeming to forget their solemn obligations."
In an endeavour to discover a better system of cooperation regarding meetings, and to retrench expenses, a committee, drawn from all the Manchester Lodges, was formed in April. 1857.
Permission was granted in February, 1858, to Bro. Henry Hibbert, of Chorley, to make use of surplus Lodge furniture when a new Lodge was founded there.
The 1858 "Installation Dinner" was held in July at the "Dog and Partridge," Old Trafford, the Lodge opening at 1:25 pm. and closing at 3 p.m. At the same meeting the regular Lodge Night was changed to the first Friday in the month.
Accommodation must now have been a problem for on November 5th, 1858, the Lodge recommended that the Lodge-Rooms Committee should take advantage of the facilities afforded by the premises and should furbish the large room as a Masonic Temple.
A letter from the General Purposes Committee was
read on September 2nd, 1859, which requested that "returns and dues required by the laws of the Grand Chapter be
submitted by 18th October, none having been made since May 18th, 1847: A resolution "that the Chapter of the Lodge of Friendship be sought for" was passed.
The Principals of Chapters were summoned to a meeting at the Masonic Rooms at 2 o'clock on November 24th, 1859, to organise and establish a Prov. Grand Chapter.
A letter received from Bro. J. W. Petty regarding the building of a Masonic Hall to cost £5,000, the capital to be raised by issuing shares of £10 payable in three years, was discussed on November 4th, 1859, and support promised. The proposal was well received by all the Manchester Lodges, and the foundation stone was laid on July 25th, 1861 The Lodge possesses a steel Lewis used during the erection of the Building.
Subsequently we moved there and held the first meeting in the new building on September 24th, 1864.
The formation of a Masonic Relief Fund for the district was first discussed in 1861 when a meeting was held to draw up and submit a scheme to the various Lodges. The first report was issued in November of that year and it was agreed that the support of the Lodge should be given.
A brother from Mother Kilwinning Lodge, John Gibb Smith, signed his certificate in the Lodge on November 7th, 1862, became a joining member in 1865, and received his English Certificate on October 6th of that year. He was W.M. in1870.
There is nothing in the minutes save a very interesting though sad letter, dated April 30th, 1863, from Bro. Delavanti, a former W.M. to show that a testimonial and a purse of gold had been presented to him—a truly typical
Friendship gesture.
The Lodge on October 3rd, 1863, empowered Bros. Richardson and Ashton to sell the chairs and Pedestals
which were loaned to Chorley in 1858, for the best price possible, and they were eventually sold for £42 to what later became the Alexandra Lodge No. 993.
The Installation Dinner in 1864 was held at the Queen's Hotel, Alderley, the Lodge meeting later in Manchester (at 7pm).
A pleasing expression of inter-Lodge courtesy was manifest on September 1st, 1865, when a deputation from the Anchor and Hope Lodge, No. 37, Bolton, visited and presented the Lodge with their Master's Silver Chain of Office. This chain was made in Manchester by Bro. Botsford (who, incidentally, was a member of the Lodge of Friendship) in 1853, when their number was 44, and the design by Bro. Gilbert James French, of Bolton, is based on that number. Feeling that it could not now be legally used by them, it was resolved to present it to the new No. 44, and the deputation present for the purpose of carrying that resolution into effect, was happy in fulfilling such a pleasing duty. Sincere thanks "for this very handsome present, one which will be treasured and taken great care of," were accorded to the Anchor and Hope Lodge by the brethren generally and the W.M. personally.
A circular was sent, in September, 1865, by the Lodge to all Manchester Lodges asking their co-operation in the forming of a "Lodge of Instruction."
The Deputy Prov. G. Master, Bro. Lawrence Newall, visited the Lodge on March 2nd, 1866. and took the chair. He delivered an impressive address to the Brethren especially advocating the claims of the Boys' School. His words fell on good ground for at the next meeting it was reported by the WM. that ten guineas had been paid to the Boys School Building Fund.
Jewels for the Chaplain and the I.G. were ordered to be bought on September 4th, 1868.
Notice was received from Grand Lodge in September, 1870, that Bro. Nicholas le Gendre Starkie had been appointed Grand Master of the Province.
On September 26th, 1870, W. Bro. the Rev. Charles D. Ward, a resident of Bradford, was elected an Honorary Member. Previously he had been domiciled at Hurst, when he was initiated, and later at Huddersfield. Always an active Mason and a regular attender, he was W.M. in 1868
November 9th, 1870, the Lodge made history in that it was appointed to hold a "Craft Lodge" to receive Grand Lodge. The ceremony was held at 11 o'clock prompt in the Free Trade Hall, where the Lodge was opened in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees. At 12:25 the Prov. Officers entered and Prov. Grand Lodge was opened at 12:30. At 12:45 the Grand Secretary read the "Warrant" from the Grand Master appointing Bro. Nicholas le Gendre Starkie, MA., Grand Master of the Province. After being introduced he took the 0.B., and was installed by the Deputy Grand Master, the Earl of Carnarvon, who also delivered an address.
The Prov. Grand Master appointed Bro. Wm. Romaine Callender, Junr as his Deputy, who in turn was O.B. by the Earl of Carnarvon. Grand Lodge was closed at 2:15, the Grand and Provincial Officers retiring. The W.M. of the Lodge of Friendship, Bro. John Gibb Smith. then re-occupied the Chair, and closed by virtue in the 3rd and 2nd Degrees, resuming in the 1st. The Lodge was closed at 2:25, and at 5 pm. the Banquet followed in the same room.
The Deputy Prov. Grand Master visited the Lodge on March 3rd, 1871, and initiated Mr. A. F. W. Royle, son of the Secretary, Bro. Dr. Peter Royle.
A letter from Lodge 1166, Hyde, read on February 7th, 1873, asked for a Bro. Dutton (initiated and passed in that Lodge) to be raised "owing to their great pressure of business." Bro. Dutton was duly examined and raised by W. Bro. J. Gibb Smith, Prov. J.G.W.
Prov. Grand Lodge announced in April, 1878, that a resolution was passed in Grand Lodge on March 1st discontinuing fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France, they having abandoned the belief in the G.A.O.T.U. as a necessary condition of membership.
A letter from the solicitors of Bro. Richard Mothersill received December 7th, 1878, gave notice of his death on October 25th and stated that his will contained the following bequest: "To the Masonic Charities £1,000 to be disbursed on the recommendation of the W.M. and Wardens of the Lodge of Friendship No. 44." There seems to have been some question as to the ability to pay the full amount as the estate went into Chancery. After repeated delays the matter was eventually settled in November, 1883, when the sum of £775 7s. 4d. was received. Bank interest made a total of £779 5s. 5d. which was distributed as follows:-
£ s d
Law Charges, Court Fees, Counsel's Opinion, etc. 18 6 8
East Lancashire Systematic Inst.. 355 0 0
Aged Freemasons' Inst. .. 157 10 0
Widows of Freemasons Inst. 157 10 0
Girls' School . . 42 0 0
Boys' School 42 0 0
Charity Fund . . .. 6 18 9
The Lodge requested that the East Lancashire Institution should invest the money separately under the title "The Friendship Lodge Fund." Bro. Mothersill joined the Lodge in March, 1872, from the Lodge of Perseverance No. 345, but does not appear to have taken office.
Lodge expenditure in 1879 was causing anxiety and as a result of various proposals new By-Laws, of which unfortunately there is no copy, were finally adopted in February, 1880. The unrest, however, continued and in March, 1881, a committee was appointed to enquire as to the terms of tenancy, etc., and report as to the desirability or otherwise of removing from the Freemasons' Hall. Eventually notice was given to terminate the tenancy in September, 1882. At an emergency meeting on the 26th, it was decided to remove to the Albion Hotel, which proved to be to our home for over forty years. A name of nostalgic memories. The meetings there generally commenced with high tea, a custom which persisted except at Installations. This was a period of retrenchment, since over £59 was owing to the Treasurer and a resolution "That no amount be paid out of the Lodge Fund for refreshment until the debt owing our Treasurer be paid," is not surprising. However, by special donations and economy there was a credit balance in 1884 of over £14. A pleasing act on the part of W.M. Bro. James R Beard, and one of the first to take place in the new home, was his presentation to the Lodge, on December 1st, 1882, of a V.S.L. This has been in use for the last seventy years.
It was resolved in November. 1885, to purchase a harmonium for the joint use of the Lodge and the Robert Burns Lodge and one was duly bought at a cost for the half share of £9 10s. Od.
Suggestions were invited by the Province as to what would be a fitting way to commemorate the Queen's Jubilee. The idea of the Lodge "to purchase scholarships at one of the Universities" did not find favour, for on February 3rd, 1888, the sum of Fifty Guineas was sent by the Lodge to the "Aged Freemasons' Inst. jubilee Testimonial." comprising £14 16s .0d from the Charity Fund and £37 14s. Od. private subscriptions.
The Grand Master in 1887 honoured W. Bro. John Chadwick by conferring on him the rank of P.G. Swd. B. The Lodge in addition to congratulating Bro. Chadwick, presented him with his G.L. clothing and jewel.
At the December meeting in 1889, Bro. Nathan Heywood presented to the Lodge a very valuable rapier, once the property of King William III. In vouching for its authenticity, BIT). Heywood gave the Secretary the following particulars: "The Sword was the Court dress Rapier of William, Prince of Orange. The grip is of solid gold and on either side of the blade is a portrait of Mary Stuart. daughter of King James II and wife of King William Ill. It was obtained by me from the W. Wareing Faultier collection." This is now used by the
On May 2nd, 1890, various modifications were made in the By-Laws, chief of which was the alteration of the date of the Installation from July to October, at which it has remained.
In order to eliminate the proposing of Initiates by letter, a communication was sent by command of the Prov. G. Master in March, 1892, that this must only be done in cases of real emergency.
In 1895 a Petition presented to Grand Lodge praying for a Centenary Warrant, such warrant to date from 1755, was not successful. A long controversy which took place in the "Freemason" and the "Freemason's Chronicle" makes very interesting reading today. A further letter to the Grand Secretary on the subject, sent in 1903, met with no better success.
The Friendship song and chorus, "Grip fast the Light," words being by W. Bro. W. A. Bacon and the music by Bro. J. Wadsworth, was published in 1912. It was dedicated to the W.M., Bro. Albert Bushell, and sung by Bro. T. C Peatfield.
The Lodge crest as we know it was first used on the summons m 1916. In the original seal, as used prior to 1863, the arm was vambraced, but the motto was identical.
W. Bro. Nathan Heywood, P.P.G.Reg., a tried and faithful servant of the Lodge and for many years Secretary, was elected an Honorary Member in September, 1917, and presented with an illuminated Scroll.
The months of meeting were altered in 1919, the June being abandoned and a January meeting substituted.
New Ashlars, cut from stone taken from St. Peter's Church, were presented to the Lodge in May, 192(1
A Fellowcraft from the Nigeria Lodge No. 3773, Lagos, Bro. Arthur Stanley Mode, was, in response to a request by that Lodge, raised to the Degree of M.M. by W. Bro. Arthur Hasleham at the January meeting in 1920.
The summons as now used was first sent out on October 27th for the November 4th meeting in 1921.
The Honorary Membership of the Lodge was conferred on W. Bro. Walter Higginbottom, P.P.G.D., on January 5th, 1923, "as a mark of esteem and respect and in recognition of his valued association with this Lodge and with the Province”.
The Georgian sword now used by the Tyler, was presented to the Lodge in 1923 by the W.M .
Permission was given in September. 1925, to the Manchester Association for Masonic Research for photographic copies to be taken of the By-Laws by Laurence Dermott and to publish them in their Transactions. These were copied with excellent results.
An agitation for the resuscitation of the Royal Arch Chapter arose in 1925 and, while meeting with no immediate success, quiet perseverance was ultimately rewarded and the object achieved.
The revision of By-Laws was proposed in February, 1926, after a draft report had been circulated ; these were, with minor alterations, agreed upon on April 16th and are substantially those in use today.
The General Strike in 1926 dislocated all traffic and caused the cancellation of the May 7th Lodge Meeting. Inset in the Minute Book is a copy of the British Gazette published in the absence of all newspapers by H.34. Govern¬ment
An emergency meeting at the Albion Hotel on June 4th, 1926, was the last the Lodge held there, the premises having been bought by Woolworth's. The next meeting, on September 3rd, was held at Parker's Restaurant, St Mary's Gate, which was our home until the Masonic Temple was built. During our stay at the Albion Hotel, the Lodge had prospered. As already observed there was a debt of £59 at the commencement, but at the end a credit of £14S in the general account plus £253 in Savings Certificates..
At the meeting held on May 6th, 1927, W. Bro. Sir Edward Rhodes, upon whom the Grand Master had conferred the signal honour of Acting J.G.D., was congratulated by the W.M.
A proposition regarding Instruction Meetings made on January 6th, 1928, was put into effect and proved very attractive.
The last meeting at Parker's Restaurant was held on May 3rd, 1929, and was followed by one on September 16th in our present home, the Masonic Temple. On this occasion we were visited by the Deputy Prov. Grand Master, W. Bro. Sir Alan J. Sykes, Bt., P.G.D.(Eng.), who occupied the Master's Chair and "addressed the brethren and welcomed the Lodge" to the Masonic Temple on behalf of the Prov. Grand Master, Lord Derby. The Deputy Prov. Grand
Master confessed that he had another reason for being present—"Friendship"—friendship of his friend and brother,
Bro.. Sir Edward Rhodes, P.G.D.(Eng..), as he desired to make the first public annotmcetnent that, because of the resignation of W. Bro. Sir Alfred Law, P.G.D.(Eng.), from the office of Assistant Prov. Grand Master, the Pim. Grand Master, Lord Derby, had appointed W. Bro. Sir Edward Rhodes, P.G.D.(Eng..), to the vacancy, and in doing so had honoured a most zealous Freemason and an old and illus¬trious Lodge.
The 1920's were years of great activity in the Province, drawing plans for the new Temple and hying schemes for their accomplishment. The Lodge of Friendship played a not insignificant part in the ultimate and splendid success of the venture..
A proposition broached at the November meeting in 1931, -that Past Master's Collars and Jewel be presented to the retiring Witt's," was adversely criticised and the matter then dropped. It met with success, however, in 1934
The years 1931-34 were years of great enthusiasm in the Province, our Prov. G.M., Lord Derby, having promised to take the chair at the "Girls' FestivaL" All Lodges worked with a will and the result was an outstanding success —a imuid.
The W.M. inaugurated the sending out of birthday greetings to the members in 1933—one of those little unobtrusive acts which during the years has been very much appreciated.
At the January meeting in 1934 the Lodge was notified that the Finance Committee of the E.L.M.B.I. would be pleased to accept the clock offered, and requested that it be placed in the Goulburn Room. The task was very ably executed by Bro. P. C. Buss.
To commemorate Lord Derby's 70th birthday and his 36th year as Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Grand Lodge, at a meeting held in Manchester Town Hall on April 26th, 1935, enthusiastically passed a resolution to present to Grand Lodge the main door of the Masonic Peace Memorial Temple as a gift from the Province. The sum required was t1,750, 520 guineas of which were provided by Prov. Grand Lodge and the balance by all the Lodges in the Province. A tablet recording the gift in the name of our late R.W. Prov. Grand Master, Lord Derby. is to be found by the side of the doors.
1936 marked the centenary of the occasion on which Pro,. Grand Lodge was held in "this Lodge"; also the introduction of Mr. Pickwick, and the establishment of Belle line. In recognition, the May meeting of the Lodge took the form of an "Old English" night, the members being attired in costumes of the period—a very successful affair.
At its October meeting in the same year, an Initiate of the Lodge, W. Bro. H. B. Longley, Prov. J.G.W. of Surrey. was congratulated on his appointment as Pro,. G. Sec. of Surrey.
The Installation in October, 1937, saw two brethren invested for the 25th time—W. Bro. Albert Bushell, P.P.G.11, as Treasurer for the 25th consecutive year, and W. Bro. J. David Hughes, P.P.G.W., for the 23rd consecut¬ive, and the 25th in 26 years as D.C.
In February, 1938, W. Bro. Bushell raised the question as to the possibility of obtaining new replacements of the old design for the dilapidated collars of the Officers. How¬ever, at the April meeting, after some discussion, W. Bro. Sir Edward Rhodes, P.G.D., Assistant Pow. Grand Master, explained that under Rule 302 ROC, this was not possible. Accordingly. W. Bro. Bushell withdrew his proposition, but at the nest meeting presented one of the old collars, in an
airtight frame, to the Lodge, as a record of a privilege once held.
A grandfather dock was presented to W. Bro. Bushell at the January, 1939, meeting in recognition of his 25 years' service as Treasurer, he having resigned that office in the October previously. Later, on his retirement to Scotland, he was accorded Honorary Membership.
The Installation in October, 1939, was the first meeting after the outbreak of war, and was held at mid-day. Then commenced a period of austerity, meetings being held at various hours, usually around mid-day. Later, June and July meetings were substituted for those of December and January.
The September, 1940, meeting marked an epoch in the history of the Lodge in that the Deputy Prov. Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Sir Alan J. Sykes, It., J.P., D.L, attended, and presented a Centenary Warrant to the Lodge, "the outward and visible sign of 100 years of spiritual grace." Also in his address he said, "At the present time, outside, there are many forms of evil. We, inside, are cemented by the 'Bond of Brotherhood,' and can anyone doubt which is best and which in the king run will prevail? You are meeting today in the Rhodes' Lodge Room, and are the first Lodge to meet in it. It must be very gratifying to you, as it is to me, that you are inaugurating the Rhodes Suite, which takes its name from one of your own members, a dear friend of mine."
Congratulations were sent in February, 1941, to W. Rro. T. C. Peatfield, P.P.G.W., an old P.M. of the Lodge, on his being installed W.M. of the Lodge of Fidelity No. 3.
W. Bro. G. A. Marriott, P.G.D., Prov. Grand Sec. gave a very interesting survey of the Masonic Charities at the 1941 May meeting, tracing their history from the time
each Lodge had a kind of Sick and Funeral Fund, to the founifmg of the present large Institution&
In September, 1941, W. Bra. H. 11. Longley was invested 1st Assistant Prow. Grand Master of Surrey, giving the lodge the distinction of having initiated into Masonry two Assistant Prov. Grand Masters.
In September, 1940, £300 was transferred from the General to the Charity Fund and later a resolution passed "that all Donations be paid out of the Charity Funds and all Initiation and Joining fees be paid direct into that Fund." "After payment of Registration fees" was later added.
1943 witnessed the launching of the Boys' Festival 1946) Association, Lord Derby, the Prole'. Grand Master, having promised to occupy the chair at the Boys' Festival in 1946
The war years, with the exigencies of the Services, pre¬sented difficulties. which led to the Installation of W. Bro.
11. Hughes, P.P.G.W., as W.M. in October, 1943. This was the lost occasion since 1850 that a brother had been placed in the chair of ICS. for the second time.. In recog¬nition of his services for thirty years as D.C. and to record the love and affection in which he was held by his brethren, he was at a later date presented with an elaborately carved Chinese Ivory.
In September, 1944, W. Bro. H. Langley, P.G.D.,
was invested as Deputy Prov. G.M. of Surrey.
The agitation for a Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Lodge reached fruition when a Petition was signed in the Lodge in September, 1945. The Chapter, which was consecrated on February 25th, 1946, was granted permission to use the Lodge Crest
At the installation of the Grand Master in March, 1948, not the least pleasurable incident was the announcement that W. Bro. Sir Edward Rhodes had been promoted to the
rank of P.G.W. Later, on June 23rd, he was invested Deputy Prov. Grand Master.
The services of an old and well-beloved brother were suitably acknowledged in November, 1948, when W.. Bro. Joseph Wadsworth, P.P.G.D., P.P.G.Org., Organist of the Lodge for no less than 36 years, was presented with a canteen of cutlery "as a sfight token of the esteem and affection in which he is held by his brethren."
Another presentation took place in September, 1950, when, on the completion of 25 years as Secretary, W. Bro. Paul Ridgway, P.P.G.W., received from his brethren "a token of esteem and affection" in the form of a Silver Salver.
IL. W. Bro. Sir Edward Rhodes, P.G.W., another well-beloved brother, was installed Prov. Grand Master on October 5th, 1950, the ceremony being conducted by the Grand Master, M. W.. Bro. The Duke of Devonshire, K.G., etc., etc.
At the meeting in May, 1951, W. Bro. Paul Ridgway, whom the Grand Master had invested as PA.G.D.C. on April 25th, was received into the Lodge and received the congratulations of the W.M. and Brethren.
W. Bro. E Sims-Hilditch, a country member, also received the same Honour at the same meeting of Grand Lodge-
Now commences another era.
Let us resolve, brethren, that we pass on to our successors "This good old Lodge of Friendship," pure and unsullied, shorn of none of its former splendour and with its lustre undimmed.
March. P.R.
1803 Horse Shoes, Old Shambles.
1807 Bay Mutton, Cock Pitt Hill.
1817 Fox, Jackson's Row.
1819 The King, Oldham Street.
1819 Admiral Duncan, Oldham Street.
1826 Sherwood Inn, Temple Street, C. on M.
1827 Sawyer's Arms, High Street.
1830 Bull's Head Inn, Union Street.
1837 Pack Horse, Bridge Street.
1845 Freemasons' Rooms, Town Hall, King Street.
1847 Spread Eagle, Hanging Ditch.
1847 Queen's Hotel, Piccadilly.
1847 Spread Eagle, Hanging Ditch.
1850 Freemasons' Tavern, Bridge Street.
1851 Mosley Arms Hotel, Piccadilly.
1852 Masonic Rooms, 11 Quay Street.
1854 Waterloo Hotel, Piccadilly.
1860 Masonic Rooms, 74 Cross Street
1865 Freemasons' Hall, Cooper Street.
1882 Albion Hotel, Piccadilly.
1926 Parker's Restaurant, St. Mary's Gate.
1929 Masonic Temple, Bridge Street.
1803 Revived 16th March. William McCormick, Weaver.
1803 Richard Bamber, Dimity Manufacturer (in June and December).
1804 Hugh Carroll (in June and December), Manufacturer.
1805 John Cropper, Manufacturer (in June and December).
1806 John Cropper.
1806 William Marshall, Weaver..
1807 William Marshall (in June and December).
1808 Robert Davis.
1808 John Cropper.
1809 John Cropper (in June and December).
1810 John Cropper.
1810 Terrance Braman.
1811 William Parr, Umbrella Frame Maker.
1811 William Bernard, Tailor.
1812 Robert Forsyth, Commissioner.
1813 Robert Forsyth.
1813 John Martin, Weaver (to April, 1814).
1814 John Cropper (to Julie, 1814).
1814 Joseph Givins, Manufactulea
Until the "Union" the Installations were on St
John's Day in June and December).
1815 Joseph Givins (see 1814).
1816 Joseph Givins (see 1814).
1817 Richard Read, Cotton Dealer and Spinner.
1818 Joseph Givins (see 1814).
1819 Matthew Wharton, Fustian Cutter.
1820 Matthew Wharton (see 1819).
1821 James Surman, Saddler.
1822 Samuel Lawson.
1823 Thomas Bowman, Shoemaker.
1824 Robert Parkinson, Silk Weaver..
1825 Matthew Wharton (see 1819).
1826 William Hobbs, Weaver.,
1827 Matthew Wharton (see 1819).
1828 James Surman (see 1821).
1829 Thomas Bowman (see 1823).
1830 Matthew Wharton (see 1819).
1831 John Shepherd.
1832 Jabez Gadd, Warehouseman
1833 Jabez Gadd (see 1832).
1834 John Hickman.
1835 Thomas Inglis.
1836 Thomas Inglis.
1837 James Surman (see 1821).
1838 Jabez Gadd (see 1832).
1839 Jabez Gadd (see 1832).
1840 John McClean..
1841 James Davies.
1842 Joseph Haley, Engineer and Tool Maker.
1843 Joseph Haley (see 1842).
1844 Benjamin Colley.
1845 Arthur Bonk
1846 Arthur Bonk.
1847 John King.
1848 John King.
1849 Joseph Haley (see 1842).
1850 Frederick France.
1851 Edward Thomas Bradshaw, Accountant and Agent.
1852 Thomas Bake, Brewer.
1853 Samuel Richard Gault, Bookseller and Stationer.
1854 Stephen Smith, Tailor.
1855 Henry Carrigg, Agent.
1856 Augustus Schmersahl, Chemist.
1857 George le Boutellier Diamond.
1858 Henry Antony Bennett, Timber Merchant
1859 George Hartley Goldsmith, Architect.
1860 Prospero Delavanti, Music Dealer.
1861 John Sudlow, Solicitor.
1862 Frederick Charles Smethurst
1863 Henry Thomas Warren, Agent.
1864 Robert Bridgford, Land Agent. (Was Knighted later).
1865 John Bolderson, Baker and Flour Dealer.
1866 Robert Mcl)owall Smith, Silk Mercer and Manufacturer.
1867 Samuel Harris Hudson, Estate Agent. Steward to
the Grammar School Trustees.
1868 Charles Dewick Ward, Clergyman.
1869 John Lawson, Veterinary Surgeon.
1870 John Gibb Smith, Wine Merchant.
1871 Alfred Barker Bennett, Brewer ( Hill & Bennett).
1872 Thomas Lightbourn, Wine Merchant.
1873 Peter Royle, M.D., Physician and Surgeon.
1874 William Gllbb, Wine Merchant.
1875 James William Woodall, Solicitor.
1876 Charles Frederick Woodall, Woollen Draper.
1877 Charles Rowland Goodman, Surgeon.
1878 Hairy Cottam, Clergyman (Rector, St. Mary's, Crumpsall).
1879 Henry John Cutter, Registrar, Probate Court.
1880 William Francis Parkinson, Cashier.
1881 Samuel Barratt, Gas Engineer.
1882 James Rait Beard, Cloth Merchant (Beard, A & Co.).
1883 John MacMahon, Art Master.
1884 Henry Pool, Agent (Pool & Clewley).
1885 John Chadwick (afterwards Prov. G.. Secty.).
1886 John Smith, M.D., Surgeon..
18ff7 William James Wilkinson, Silk Manufacturer.
1888 Charles Burton Clewley, Agent (Pool & Clewley)
1889 John William Gundry Coombs, Hotel Proprietor
1890 Charles Hobbies, Insurance Secretary (Rock Assurance CO.
1891 Frederick Wellesley Wollaston, Oil Merchant.
1892 Frederick Gorton Berry, Upholsterer.
1893 Nathan Heywood, Solicitor (Chas. Heywood S Hudson).
1894 Robert Thomson, Manufacturer (Sewell & Hu
1895 William Wilkinson, Clergyman.
1896 William Humphreys, Silk Agent (William I phreys & Co.).
1897 Matthew Naylor, Contractor—Roads and Sewers
1898 Richard Walter Marsden, Printer and Publisher
1899 Fred Scott, Chartered Accountant.
1900 George William Pilkington, Printer (G. W. Piton & Co.).
1901 William James Hunt, Manufacturer.
1902 John Horace Pavey Dean, Decorator.
1903 Walter Higginbottom, Architect.
1904 Robert Scholes, Solicitor..
1905 Edward Eccles Smalley, Cloth Merchant
1906 Charles William Sutton, MA., Manchester Librarian.
1907 William Royston Laidlaw, Electrical Engineer -
Laidlaw, Laidler & Co.).
1908 William Henry Collier, Arbitrator and Valuer.
1909 John Sherratt, Bookseller and Publisher (Sherratt
& Hughes)
1910 Joseph David Hughes, MA., Bookseller and
Publisher (Sherratt & Hughes)
1911 Henry Banks Langley, Surveyor.
(Later Dpty Prov. G.M. of Surrey)
1912 Albert Bushell, Colour Printer (A.. Bushell & Co.).
1913 William Arthur Bacon, Traveller.
1914 James Wheatley Jones, Chartered Accountant.
1915 Arthur Hasleham, Merchant
1916 Charles Harry Rayner, Municipal Official
1917 Frank Hoyle Brunt, Civil Engineer
1918 Edward Rhodes, Prov. Grand Master.
Chairman, Rylands & Sons Ltd. (Was Knighted later)
1919 Walter Robert Hilton, Civil Servant.
1920 Frederick Berry, Departmental Manager.
1921 Joseph Wadsworth, Chartered Accountant
1922 Thomas Crompton Peatfield, Sec. Dept Railway Co
1923 Paul Ridgway, Textile Manufacturer
1924 Alexander Moss, Schoolmaster
1925 Cecil Brooke Welland, MA., Clergyman (Rector of
1926 1926 Walter Freeman Welberry, Buyer (J & N.
Philips & Co. Ltd.).
1927 William Major Pearson, Regional Representative,
Library Bureau
1928 Lewis Stansfield, Merchant (Sir Jacob Behrens &
1929 Edwin Sims-Hilditch, Professor of Music.
1930 William Rhodes, Buyer (Sir Jacob Behrens & Sons)
1931 William Jones, Merchant.
1932 Leonard Chambers, Insurance Broker.
1933 George Jennison, MA., Zoologist (Belle Vue)
1934 Arthur Reginald Moon, LLB., Solicitor.
1935 Charles Harold Bennett, Assistant Librarian, Manchester
1936 Hugh George Trayer, MB, Medical
Superintendent, Baguley Sanatorium
1937 William Norman Pointer, Stained Glass Artist
1938 Thomas Martin, Merchant (Sydney Hudson Ltd.)
1939 Eric Arthur Harry Rhoades, Regional
Representative, Remington-Rand
1940 Leonard Royle, M.B.E., Lancashire Secretary,
British Red Cross.
1941 Arthur Heighway, House Furnisher.
1912 Robert Walter Peers, Dental Surgeon.
1943 Joseph David Hughes, MA (see 1910).
1944 Percy Jervis Taylor. Chartered Accountant
1945 Stuart Millward Rix, Assistant Secretary, British
Electricity Authority.
1916 Charles Milner Nesbitt, Director (Dorman & Smith
1947 Alexander Henry Moss. Director (Arnold Clayton &
Co. Ltd.).
1948 Sydney Harry George Prendergast, Printer
1949 Eric Galloway Buss, Cutler and Ironmonger.
1950 William Emmett Ainley, Managing Director
(Rylands & Sons Ltd.)
1951 Beaumont Lowndes Simpson, Ladies' and
Children's Garment Manufacturer
1952 Robert Wagstaffe, Representative, Surgical
Instrument Makers.
In addition to the Masters in the foregoing list, there have been many notable members, and in mentioning the following we crave indulgence for any sins of omission.
The Earl of Yarborough, Honorary Member
Benjamin St. John Baptist Joule, Organist, Musical critic and an authority on Church Music.
Charles Affleck, Affleck & Brown
John W. Botsford, 0llivant & Botsford.
Robert Neill, Builder and Contractor.
William Batty, Jeweller and Watchmaker.
William Rumney, Calico Printer.
William Lyons, "Lyons" Ink.
Fredk. W. Walker, High Master, Manchester Free Grammar School.
Henry Bridgford, Architect
W. Romaine Callender, Deputy Prov. G. Master.
Alfred Watkins, Merchant.
R. H. Gratrix, Calico Printer.
J. L. Figgins, Clergyman ; Prov. G. Chap. ; Rector, St. Clement's, Lever Street
J. W. Wike, Woollen Manufacturer, Bury.
Henry Guppy, CBE, MA., D.Ph Librarian, Ryland's Library.
Dr. Sir William Hodgson, Chairman, Cheshire Education Committee.
Herbert William Arnold, Stockbroker.
Sir Benjamin Longbottom, Director, "Electromotors."
Cecil H. Wilson, MA., Bishop of Middleton
R W. Rylands, Solicitor
During the years many presentations have been made to the Lodge as the following list (which is as complete as possible) shows.
Presented by
Charity Box .. John Hickman.
Silver Snuff Box .. Geo. le Boutellier Diamond.
Charity Box .. Geo. le Boutellier Diamond.
V.S.L. James Rait Beard.
Box of Working Tools James Rait Beard and his
Rapier (belonged to William,
Prince of Orange) Nathan Heywood.
Framed Old Collar Albert Bushell
Georgian Sword and Case Paul Ridgway.
Two Ashlars, cut from
stone from St. Peter's,
Manchester Paul Ridgway
Silver Mounted Gavel ... T. Crompton Peatfield
Silver Loving Cup T. Crompton Peatfield
Silver Lamp Rev. C. Brooke Welland
Silver Horseshoe Ash Tray W. Major Pearson
Silver Cigarette Box Lewis Stanfield.
Silver Tankard (1755) E. Sims-Hilditch.
Silver Stand for Flags William Jones.
Silver Salver Arthur R. Moon.
Silver Rose Bowl in memory His Daughter
of W. Bro. J. David Hughes Mrs. Dennis Norris
1—The Lodge shall hold its meetings at the Masonic Temple, Bridge Street, Manchester, on the first Friday in the months of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November and December, at 6 p.m., or at such hour as the Master may from time to time appoint.
Confirmed 18/11/1929.
2—Every member shall be amenable to the laws and regulations of the Craft, agreeably to the Constitution and the by-laws of the Lodge.
3.—The Master, Treasurer, and Tyler shall be annually balloted for at the meeting in September; and the installation of the Master shall take place at the next regular meeting in October, when he shall appoint and invest his officers.
4. An inventory of the Jewels, Furniture, and other properties of the Lodge shall annually be taken by the S and Wardens and Secretary, and presented to the Master on the day of his installation.
5. The Treasurer shall receive all fees and subscriptions and deposit the same in an account in the name of the Lodge at the Westminster Bank or such other bank as may be decided by the Lodge. All cheques shall bear the signature of the Treasurer. He shall pay all bills and other charges when duly vouched and sanctioned by the Master or his Wardens. The Treasurer's cash account shall be audited every year in September, by a committee of two or more members appointed by the Lodge and a report of the same delivered to the Master on his installation, and printed and sent to each member before the October meeting, and subsequently read in open Lodge. Motions for grants of money exceeding £5 shall be proposed at one meeting, notice thereof sent to each member and determined at the next meeting.
6.—No more than ten shillings for each brother present shall be allowed out of the Lodge funds for refreshments on each regular night of meeting. Any extra cost shall be paid by the members of the Lodge then present. The fee for visiting Brethren shall be such sum as the Lodge shall from time to time determine and shall be paid by the introducing member. The tickets for the annual banquet shall be one guinea per member present or visitor introduced by a member: any extra expenses shall be borne by the Master and Wardens.
Confirmed 13/6/1949.
6a.—There shall be a Lodge Committee consisting of the Master, Wardens and Past Masters (Country members
excepted). The Committee shall consider and report upon
proposals for membership of the Lodge and any other matter which the Lodge, by resolution may specifically refer to it, and shall have power to act within such limits as the Lodge may define. The Committee may submit to the Lodge for consideration any matter it may deem to be for the benefit of the Lodge
Confirmed 27/6/1945.
7.—The name of any candidate for initiation or joining member shall not be placed on any summons or mentioned in the Lodge until his name shall have been submitted on the prescribed form to the Secretary and considered by the Lodge Committee. The form to be deposited with the Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting at which the Candidate is to be proposed. At least seven clear days’ notice of a meeting shall be given to each member of such Committee and the full name, address, occupation, and age of any candidate shall be given in the notice.
Confirmed 27/6/1945.
&—Whenever it is necessary for the Master to call a Lodge of Emergency the expenses of such meeting shall be
paid out of the Lodge funds; but if it is called at the request of, or for the convenience of, any Brother, he shall pay three guineas towards the expenses thereof unless it be determined otherwise by a majority of the members at the following meeting.
9.—The fee for initiation shall be twenty guineas, including registration and certificate, and must be paid previous to initiation.
10.—The re-joining fee of any Brother initiated in this Lodge shall be two guineas. The joining fee for any Brother initiated in any other Lodge shall be fifteen guineas, including the registration ; but if the brother shall have been initiated in any Lodge not under the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England he shall pay, in addition to the joining fee, the charges for registration and certificate.
11. Members of the Lodge who having removed to a distance find it impractical to attend regularly may become Country members on making application at an ordinary meeting of the Lodge, and the majority of members present voting in favour thereof. The subscription for any Country member shall be £1 1 ls. 6d. per annum, payable in advance in October. Five shillings from each subscription shall be placed to the Charity Fund.
Confirmed 13/6/1949.
12.—Brethren of eminence and ability who have rendered service to the Craft may, on being proposed and elected, became honorary members of the Lodge, but shall not have any claim or interest in the furniture, funds, or properties of the Lodge, nor may they vote or hold office in the Lodge.
13.—If, upon ballot, more than one black ball appear against the admission of a candidate or joining member he shall not be admitted, except that the Master may if he is of opinion that an error has occurred in voting, before
announcing the result. order another ballot, to be taken forthwith.
14.—The subscription shall be £5 10s. Od. per annum. payable in advance in October. Five shillings from each subscription shall be placed to the Charity Fund.
Confirmed 13/6/1919.
15.—No member shall be entitled to vote at an election of the Master if his subscription be in arrears; and any member who is in arrears for six months shall be written to by the Secretary, and if no satisfactory reply is received within six months from the date of such notice he may be excluded from the Lodge after due notice, under Rule 181, Rook of Constitution&
16. Any member who wishes to resign must state his intention in open Lodge or by written notice addressed to the Master or Secretary, when his resignation shall be communicated to the Lodge and recorded, unless it has in the meantime been withdrawn by letter, subject to the the following proviso, viz., that if, when the resignation is so communicated, the member be desired by a majority of the members present and voting to withdraw his resignation, he may, within twenty-one days after the communication to him of such desire, withdraw the resignation which, if he does so withdraw it, shall be considered cancelled. The resignation of a member shall not exonerate him from the payment of all dues up to the date of his resignation.
1Z —A copy of these by-laws shall be presented to every member, and be transcribed in a book, and signed by every present and future member of the Lodge on his admission, as a pledge of his conformity and submission to the &MC-
18.--A list showing the name, address, and Masonic standing of all the members of the Lodge, shall be printed yearly and a copy sent to each member.
19—Cases not provided for by these by-laws shall be decided by a majority of the members present, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Craft.
1. There shall be a Charity Fund attached to this Lodge, to be called "The Charity Fund of the Lodge of Friendship, No. 44.”
2. Each member, on his initiation or joining, shall pay. in addition to the fee, the sum of five shillings to the said fund.
3. Each member shall contribute annually the sum of five shillings payable in advance, the amount so contributed to be placed in the Treasurer's hands to the credit of the said Charity Fund.
4. No money shall be expended out of this fund for any purpose but charity.
Adopted at the Meeting held 5th March, 1926. Confirmed at the Meeting held 16th April, 1926.
Approved May 21st, 1926, on behalf of the R.W. Prim. Grand Master,
Prov Grand Secretary
Approved by the M.W. Grand Master,
Grand Secretary.
June 18th, 1926.
Scanned and posted by John Winstanley September 2020