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Minutes of (Revived) Lodge No39
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Lodge By-laws 1926
The forerunner of the Lodge of Friendship No.44 was constituted as Lodge No39 in Manchester on June 18th, 1755. At that time Manchester was a pleasant county town with no more than 20,000 residents. There were no railways, no canals but there were numerous Public Houses. The first recorded meeting of the Lodge was at St. Ann's Church and Mitre in 1755.

Lodge39 Bk4 1803-1812

The Lodge was revived in March 1803 with Bro William McCormick as Worshipful Master. The Master was installed on each of the two St John's days (June & December). In June Bro Richard Bamber was elected as Master for the ensuing six months.

WBro Richard Bamber was regularly installed as Master on St John's Day 1803. In July his predecessor WBro William McCormick attended Lodge but was charged with being intoxicated in liqueur and when reproved from the chair he said his Bro Members "was a parcel of schoolboys and would not be reproved by them", swore he would be damned in an open Lodge if he would not pay the money, And the last word he said going out of the Lodge Room was Dam but was not explained.

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